Getting Started
How to run Hikeshi for the first time.
The Database
You can start the database however you prefer or even provide a remote DB url and not start a database locally. But in the event that you do decide to spin up postgres on your local environment, Docker is the easiest way to get up and running with a clean slate, so that's what we recommend.
Start it up
Once you've gotten the database up and running, we can have hikeshi build the tables, rows, and add a default user.
At this point your database should be up and running with a default user and a placeholder incident. You're now ready to start the application.
The Application
Start it up
The default run mode of the hikeshi binary is Dev. Developer mode runs the application with hot asset reloading and detailed error messages so you can see if your environment is in working order. This is NOT recommended for production usage.
For more information on available environment variables, see the Buffalo Config vars documentation.
If you followed the above steps without an hiccups, you should be able to log in to Hikeshi at http://localhost:3000 or the custom application URL you configured for Hikeshi.
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